
Latest news and thought leadership

The latest from Deallus pharmaceutical and life science industry experts

World Brain Day 2024

Established by the World Federation of Neurology in 2014, World Brain Day seeks to raise public awareness on various neurological health topics each year. This year’s theme, “Brain Health and Prevention”, brings awareness to preventive measures that can alleviate the burden of many neurological conditions for patients across the world.

July 19th, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: , |1 Comment

Revolutionizing Blood Cancer Treatment: A Dive into Cutting-Edge Therapies

World Blood Cancer Day [28 May 2024] serves as a stark reminder of the significant challenges faced by the millions battling these life-threatening diseases. Here at Deallus, we have been privileged enough to partner with many leading companies in this space to support the development of lifechanging therapies across haemato-oncology.

May 28th, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: , |2 Comments

The need for innovation in Women’s Health

Women’s Health Week (14-20 May 2024) provides an opportunity to reflect on the changing landscape for the access, treatment, and representation of women across healthcare. We’re proud that many of the clients we are partnering with are part of driving much needed change and reform within Women’s Health, lending our experience and expertise to the innovation that is required.

May 16th, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: , |0 Comments

A message from our Chairwoman

At Deallus we are fortunate to have Ulrike Meier as our Chairwoman since 2020. Ulrike has written a brilliant blog reflecting on her time with Deallus so far and shares some insights into, even if removed from daily business, as Chairwoman, there is room to make a difference. From being authentic, focusing on the bigger picture, to providing motivation and guidance, Ulrike explores what key elements she prioritises in her role and how we can all play a part in organisation success.

April 26th, 2024|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments
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