Decoding the use of ChatGPT – and similar LLM applications – after the dust settles: Applications of AI in Pharma and the Life Sciences industry

AI/LLM in the form of ChatGPT, Perplexity (referred to as AI in the text later) and similar have resulted in a transformational impact in the way information is researched and used.

We can now instantaneously be presented with a summary of our query and are allowed to ask follow-up questions using natural language, build on our understanding sequentially and access reference checks if required. These AI tools have strengths and limitations like any other tool and can be very potent when used by people with right knowledge and expertise.

AI, like all technologies in the past is met with two types of reactions. Excessive optimism of assuming it to be the solution for all problems/challenges in work or pessimism and paranoia of AI being wrong in results, breaching all regulations etc. Instead it requires a more balanced approach of understanding, assessing and ensuring its use for the right objectives. All responsible business leaders and technology leaders need to follow this approach.

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